Q.61 Due to diffusion an electric current from p-side to the n-side is known as____
    A. diffusion
    B. drift current
    C. diffusion current
    D. concentration gradient
Ans.: C

Q.62 The drift current and diffusion current are____
    A. in same direction
    B. in opposite direction
    C. in random direction
    D. none of the above
Ans.: B

Q.63 In steady state of unbiased junction the ______ there is no net transfer of charge at any cross section.
    A. diffusion current is higher than drift current
    B. diffusion current is equal to drift current
    C. diffusion current is less than drift current
    D. any of the above
Ans.: B

Q.64 In p-n junction diode, if the n-region is connected negative terminal of battery and p-region is connected in positive region of battery is known as___
    A. forward biased
    B. reversed biased
    C. potential gradient
    D. biased condition
Ans.: A

Q.65 In forward biased condition the resistance of an ideal diode is____
    A. infinite
    B. finite
    C. zero
    D. any of the above depend upon the concentration of depletion
Ans.: C

Q.66 In p-n junction diode the direction of current is from___
    A. n to p region
    B. p to n region
    C. there is no current flow
    D. none of the above
Ans.: B

Q.67 In forward biased condition of p-n junction diode_____
    A. the width of depletion region increases and barrier potential decreases
    B. the width of depletion region decreases and barrier potential increases
    C. the width of depletion region increases and barrier potential increases
    D. the width of depletion region and barrier potential decreases
Ans.: D

Q.68 In forward biased condition the current flow is mainly due to the diffusion of _____.
    A. electrons only
    B. holes only
    C. electrons and holes
    D. partially electrons
Ans.: C

Q.69 If the p-region is connected to positive terminal and n-region is connected to negative terminal of battery of p-n junction diode is known as___.
    A. forward biased
    B. reversed biased
    C. potential gradient
    D. biased condition
Ans.: B

Q.70 In reversed biased condition the flow of current is mainly due to ___
    A. drift of minority charge carriers
    B. drift of majority charge carriers
    C. drift of ions and holes
    D. drift of electrons and ions
Ans.: A

Q.71 In reversed biased condition the resistance of ideal diode is ___
    A. zero
    B. finite
    C. infinite
    D. 0.1 ohms
Ans.: C

Q.72 In reversed biased condition the ____
    A. the width of depletion region increases and barrier potential decreases
    B. the width of depletion region decreases and barrier potential increases
    C. the width of depletion region increases and barrier potential increases
    D. the width of depletion region and barrier potential increases
Ans.: D

Q.73 Which of the following is purest form of semi conductor?
    A. N-type semi conductor
    B. intrinsic semi conductor
    C. extrinsic semi conductor
    D. P-type semi conductor
Ans.: B

Q.74 In which band, free electrons exist?
    A. forbidden band
    B. energy band
    C. conduction band
    D. all of the above
Ans.: C

Q.75 The valance electrons are present in ___
    A. the inner most orbit
    B. the intermediate orbit
    C. loosely bounded in center
    D. outer most orbit
Ans.: D

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