Q.46 In PN diode near the junction, the free electrons from n-region migrate towards p-region and the holes in p-region migrate towards n-region. This process is known as____
    A. doping
    B. diffusion
    C. gradient
    D. immobile
Ans.: B

Q.47 The process of diffusion is due to ____
    A. concentration gradient
    B. majority charge carriers
    C. doping
    D. all of the above
Ans.: A

Q.48 At p-n junction the no charge carriers region is formed due to the combination of electrons and holes is known as____
    A. minority charge carriers
    B. depletion layer
    C. diffusion
    D. doping
Ans.: B

Q.49 When the built up of depletion layer is sufficient and it prevent the electrons diffusion from n to p side and hole diffusion from p to n side is known as_____.
    A. potential gradient
    B. diffusion gradient
    C. barrier
    D. diffusion current
Ans.: C

Q.50 The thickness of the depletion layer is of the order of ____.
    A. 10-6m
    B. 10-8m
    C. 10-4m
    D. 10-10m
Ans.: A

Q.51 ____ is the potential difference across the barrier which prevents the diffusion of charge carriers through the junction.
    A. barrier concentration
    B. contact potential
    C. potential barrier
    D. Both B and C
Ans.: D

Q.52 The value of potential barrier is depends on the
    A. doping concentration
    B. nature of semiconductor
    C. junction temperature
    D. all of the above
Ans.: D

Q.53 The potential barrier for germanium is ____
    A. 0.7 V
    B. 0.5 V
    C. 0.3 V
    D. 0.9 V
Ans.: C

Q.54 The value of potential barrier is lies between____
    A. 0.1 to 0.7 V
    B. 0.5 to 0.9 V
    C. 0.3 to 0.5 V
    D. 0.1 to 0.5 V
Ans.: A

Q.55 Due to thermal collisions, ________are created in the depletion region.
    A. electron-ions
    B. electron-hole
    C. ion-hole
    D. all of the above
Ans.: B

Q.56 The potential barrier for silicon is ___
    A. 0.7 V
    B. 0.5 V
    C. 0.3 V
    D. 0.9 V
Ans.: A

Q.57 The______ is determined the atomic weight of an atom.
    A. number of electrons and neutrons
    B. number of protons and neutrons
    C. number of electrons and protons
    D. number of ions
Ans.: B

Q.58 The maximum number of electrons in third orbit can be ___
    A. 18
    B. 8
    C. 3
    D. 12
Ans.: A

Q.59 ____ is an active device.
    A. SCR
    B. electric motor
    C. transformer
    D. all of the above
Ans.: A

Q. 60 In semiconductor ____type of atomic bonding is most common.
    A. chemical bond
    B. ionic bond
    C. metallic bond
    D. covalent bond
Ans.: D

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