Q.31 In P-type semi conductor the Fermi level is_____
    A. lies below the valence band
    B. lies near to the valence band
    C. lies above to the valence band
    D. none of the above
Ans.: B

Q.32 When a group of 15 elements are added in sufficient quantity to pure semiconductor is known as___
    A. N- type semiconductor
    B. P-type semiconductor
    C. intrinsic semi conductor
    D. all of the above
Ans.: A

Q.33 P-type semiconductor is ____.
    A. accepter elements
    B. donor elements
    C. Both A and B
    D. Both A or B
Ans.: A

Q.34 Which of the following is/are penta-valent substance?
    A. Antimony
    B. Arsenic
    C. Phosphorous
    D. all the above
Ans.: D

Q.35In N-type semi conductor ____ are minority carrier.
    A. holes
    B. electrons
    C. Both are equal in charge carries
    D. ions
Ans.: A

Q.36 N-type semiconductor is
    A. accepter
    B. donor
    C. intrinsic semi conductor
    D. Both A and B
Ans.: B

Q.37 The resistivity or conductivity of semi conductors is depends on ____
    A. holes
    B. electrons
    C. mobilities
    D. all of the above
Ans.: D

Q.38 The drift velocity per unit electric field is known as__.
    A. electron velocity
    B. mobility
    C. holes velocity
    D. none of the above
Ans.: B

Q.39 Arrange the following in decreasing order of their conductivity.
    A. p-type, intrinsic, n-type
    B. n-type, p-type, intrinsic
    C. intrinsic, n-type, p-type
    D. intrinsic,  p-type, n-type
Ans.: B

Q.40 The mobility of electron is _____ than holes
    A. lower
    B. higher
    C. same as holes
    D. none of the above
Ans.: B

Q.41 In intrinsic semi conductor the current contributed by the ______
    A. electron is higher than that of holes
    B. electron is lower than that of holes
    C. electron is same as that of holes
    D. electron is lower than that of ions
Ans.: A

Q.42 When a P-type semi conductor is combined to an N-type semi conductor is known as ___
    A. P-N junction diode
    B. a crystal diode
    C. semi conductor diode
    D. all of the above
Ans.: D

Q.43 When PN- junction is formed, the P region has _____and ____
    A. electrons and immobile negatively charged ions
    B. holes and immobile negatively charged ions
    C. holes and immobile positively charged ions
    D. electrons and immobile positively charged ions
Ans.: B

Q.44 When semi conducting materials is doped with impurity in a such a way that ________to form PN junction diode
    A. both sides has large number of accepter impurities
    B. one side has a large number of accepter impurities and other side has a large number of donor impurities
    C. both sides has large number of donor impurities
    D. any of the above
Ans.: B

Q.45 When PN- junction is formed, the N region has _____and ____
    A. electrons and immobile negatively charged ions
    B. holes and immobile negatively charged ions
    C. holes and immobile positively charged ions
    D. electrons and immobile positively charged ions
Ans.: D

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