Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ_77_1(AC Fundamental)

Q.106 The negative maximum value of cosine wave occurs at __.
    A. 0º
    B. 90º
    C. 180º
    D. 270º
Ans.: C

Q.107 the average value of sin2Ѳ over a complete cycle is__
    A. 1/2
    B. -1
    C. zero
    D. 1
Ans.: A

Q.108 when a 15 V square wave is connected across a 50-V a.c voltmeter, what will be the reading of voltmeter?
    A. 15 x √2
    B. 15/√2
    C. 15 V
    D. 20 V
Ans.: C

Q.109 A current wave is given by I = 4+√2 sin3Ѳ + 4 √2 sin 5Ѳ. Find out rms value of current wave.
    A. 6A
    B. 3A
    C. 5A
Ans.: A

Q.110The average value of 2A dc current is __.
    A. 3A
    B. 2A
    C. 4A
    D. 5A
Ans.: B

Q.111 The peak to peak value of 120 V ac is__
    A. 230 V
    B. 240 V
    C. 440V
    D. 339 V
Ans.: D

Q.112 An alternating current is converted into direct current ___
    A. by rectifier
    B. by motor
    C. transformer
    D. generator
Ans.: A

Q.113 What is average value of v(t) = 6+2 sin(2л x 100t)?
    A. 2V
    B. 6 V
    C. 12V
    D. 15.5V
Ans.: B

Q.114 why an alternating quantity is expressed in r.m.s. value?
    A. The average value cannot be used to specify an alternating quantity because it is zero over a cycle
    B. An alternating quantity varies from instant to instant
    C. Both A and B
    D. rms value of alternating quantity produces more heat than average value
Ans.: C

Q.115 Give: v = Vm sin ωt and i= Im sin (ωt – ф)
Which of the following statement is correct?
    A. v is lags i by ф
    B. i is lags v by ф
    C. v and i is in phase
    D. v and i is out of phase
Ans.: B

Q.116 If the same amount of current passed through AC and DC circuit.
Which one produced more heat?
    A. AC
    B. DC
    C. AC and DC produced same amount of heat
    D. can’t defined
Ans.: A

Q.117 The phase of an alternating quantity depends upon the ___.
    A. rms value
    B. maximum value
    C. instantaneous value
    D. average value
Ans.: C

Q.118 Find out current in rms drawn by a bulb of 300W, 120 V rating is connected to supply voltage 120 V, 60Hz.
    A. 3.5A
    B. 2.5A
    C. 4.5A
    D. 5.5
Ans.: B

Q.119 statement 1: A 180 phase angle indicates that two sine waves have completely opposite phase
Statement 2: When two waves are in phase, they have their peak value at the same time
    A. only statement 2 is correct
    B. Only statement 1 is correct
    C. Both incorrect
    D. Both correct
Ans.: D

Q.120 which of the following one will draw least current?
    A. 40W tube light
    B. 40 W bulb
    C. 40 W induction motor
    D. 40 W ceiling fan
Ans.: B

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