Basic Electrical Engineering MCQ_75_1(AC Fundamental)

Q.76 which of the following is correct representation of v(t) = Vm sin (ωt + ф)?
    A. Vm = r ∠ ф
    B. v(t) = r ∠ Vm
    C. v(t) = r ∠ ф
    D. v(t) = ф∠ r
Ans.: C

Q.77 statement 1: For addition and subtraction, represent the phasors in their rectangular form
Statement 2: For multiplication and division represent the phasors in their polar form
vA. statement 1 is true
    B. statement 2 is false
    C. both statement 1 and 2 are false
    D. both statement 1 and 2 are true
Ans.: D

Q.78 The instantaneous voltage i(t) = Im sin (ωt + ф) can be represented in the rectangular form__.
    A. i(t) = x + jy
    B. Im = x + jy
    C. x = Im + jy
    D. i(t) = x + Im
[ x = x component of the phasor = Im cos ф and y= y component of the phasor = Im sin ф]
Ans.: A

Q.79 RMS value is also called as ___.
    A. heat producing component of ac current
    B. light producing component
    C. oscillation producing component
    D. all of the above
Ans.: A

Q.80 Complete the formula: 1 radian is equal to ___ degree.
    A. 360/л
    B. л/180
    C. 180/л
    D. л/360
Ans.: C

Q.81 one cycle is equal to _____ radians.
    A. 2л
    B. л
    C. 180º
    D. л/2
Ans.: A

Q.82 The frequency of ac quantity is measured in ___.
    A. Hertz
    B. cycle per second
    C. meter per second
    D. Both A and B
Ans.: D

Q.83 which of the following correct relation between frequency and angular velocity?
    A. f = 2лω
    B. ω = 2лf
    C. f = 2л / ω
    D. ω = 2л/f
Ans.: B

Q.84 what is the unit of angular velocity?
    A. radians per second
    B. radians per cycle
    C. cycle per radians
    D. cycle per second
Ans.: A

Q.85 The average value of a symmetrical sinusoidal waveform is determined from___ of the waveform.
    A. One fourth cycle
    B. full cycle
    C. number of cycles
    D. half cycle
Ans.: D

Q.86 which of the following value is required in DC applications?
    A. RMS value
    B. Average value
    C. Maximum value
    D. Instantaneous value
Ans.: B

Q.87 Form factor is ___.
    A. scalar quantity
    B. vector quantity
    C. dimensionless quantity
    D. negative quantity
Ans.: C

Q.88 The value of phase angle can take any between___.
    A. 0 to л
    B. 0 to 2л
    C. л to 2л
    D. any of the above
Ans.: B

Q.89 Form factor is always___.
    A. less than one
    B. unity
    C. greater than one
    D. in negative value
Ans.: C

Q.90 A sinusoidal current has peak factor 1.4 and form factor 1.1. its average value is 2A. what is its rms and peak value?
    A. 30.8, 22
    B. 22, 30.8
    C. 22, 3.08
    D. 2.2, 30.8
Ans.: B

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